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Public Law, Public procurement & PPP

In the realm of public affairs, understanding the intricacies of public law, procurement, and public-private partnerships (PPP) is essential for businesses and organizations looking to engage with government entities. At CasePro we specialize in providing expert legal support to businesses, government bodies, and public-private partnerships, helping them navigate the complexities of Public Law, Public Procurement, and PPP with a focus on responsible and effective public engagements.

Empowering Public Engagement and Growth

Public Law, Public Procurement, and PPP involve dynamic legal processes that shape public infrastructure, services, and collaborations. CasePro lawyers have substantial experience in the fields of public procurement, concessions, privatisation and PPP, advising both the public and the private partner in such projects. Our team portfolio includes numerous public law and PPP projects in the areas of IT, infrastructure, construction and natural resources.

Our Expertise

Public Procurement and Tendering: We guide businesses and government entities through public procurement processes, ensuring fairness and transparency in the bidding and awarding of contracts

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Our legal team assists in structuring, negotiating, and implementing PPP agreements, fostering effective public-private collaborations.

Administrative Law: We provide counsel on administrative law matters, helping clients navigate regulatory challenges and government compliance.

Certification procedures: Our team assists businesses in the process of certification of their investment projects according to the Investment Promotion Act to benefit of certain incentives.

Responsible Team:

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